Vitamin D – Why Does it Matter?

Vitamin D capsule - The sunshine vitamin

Vitamin D’s job is to regulate the level of calcium and phosphate in the body. It does this by controlling how much is absorbed in the gut and taken up by the different parts of the body, including muscle, teeth and bone. As a result, Vitamin D deficiency causes muscle weakness, tiredness and bone pain. … Read more

What is an EchoCardiogram


An echocardiogram can help diagnose and monitor certain heart conditions by checking the heart’s structure and surrounding blood vessels, analyzing how blood flows through them and assessing the heart’s pumping chambers. An echocardiogram can help detect: damage from a heart attack – where the supply of blood to the heart was suddenly blocked heart failure – where the … Read more

8 Benefits of NAD IV Therapy

This innovative therapy may be simple in its administration, but it provides numerous complex benefits on a cellular level. NAD IV therapy works by delivering the oxidized form of a coenzyme called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) directly into the bloodstream. NAD+ is used by the body to carry out a wide range of functions, and … Read more

SIBO: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

SIBO: Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition where there is an increase in the normal bacteria in your small intestine, which may be accompanied by an invasion of new types of bacteria that normally shouldn’t be there. When this happens, it can result in bloating or distention, and diarrhoea. SIBO is relatively common and mostly … Read more

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)., x-ray concept.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS affects between 3 and 20 per cent of people, with symptoms varying from person to person. Some sufferers may have just slight irritation and others much more severe symptoms, which significantly affect their quality of life. How long symptoms last also varies between people, and women suffer or experience IBS symptoms … Read more

Microbiome and Your Mental Health

Gut microbiome and mental health

The human microbiome is made up of communities of bacteria, including viruses and fungi that live inside and outside our bodies. It plays a vital role in your health by supporting the following: Breaking down food Regulation of metabolism Supplying essential nutrients and beneficial short-chain fatty acids Preservation of intestinal integrity Regulation of the immune … Read more

How to Increase Testosterone Naturally.

Increasing testosterone naturally

Testosterone plays a huge role in building muscle, sex drive, energy, bone density, cardiovascular health and numerous other bodily functions for men. Declining levels of testosterone levels, regardless of age, can increase the risk of prostate cancer, heart disease [1], depression [2] and even death [3]. Before we examine testosterone replacement therapy, it’s very important to examine lifestyle, nutrition … Read more

Why Do Testosterone Levels Matter?

why do testosterone levels matter?

It’s a point of debate whether testosterone levels matter and if so what they should be, so in this article, I’m going to explore the research and arguments further, look at the factors that affect testosterone and the symptoms of low testosterone.

Fish Oils and Why You Need Them.

Omega 3 fish oils

Many of the health benefits of fish oils can be attributed to the presence of omega-3 essential fatty acids like docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). The higher the content the better quality the oil is. Other useful essential fatty acids in fish oil include alpha-linolenic acid or ALA and gamma-linolenic acid or GLA. … Read more

What is Testosterone?

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is the critical male sex hormone. It is responsible for male sexuality and is the main male hormone producing the biological and psychological characteristics associated with masculinity such as substantial muscle mass, strength, facial hair, libido, and sperm production.

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